Thursday, June 5, 2008


So here are a couple of random pictures I wanted to show everyone. We are wrapping up work in the studio so I haven't been walking around and taking pictures as much. But I will have lots of updates when I move to Tokyo, in a couple of days.

Here is a picture of Shindo-san. He is a indigo dye artist that lives in a small mountain town in Japan. We are looking at his vats of indigo dye. He even let us dye silk scarves in them. Here we are dying our scarves...
Here's a view of his home and the mountains that surround his village.

Here's what Japanese school children look like...
Last week we learned the roketsuzome process-- a dyeing technique involving wax resist on silk. Here's my silly swimmers scarf... Laugh all you want...
Here's a snake we saw slithering around on our way to the grocery store. (he's on the fence if you can't see him.)
These are the vibrant trains we take into town.
Fellow traveling companions...

That's all for now. Not very exciting, I know. Hopefully I can find some fun stuff to show you guys when we finish working.


Unknown said...

i gave drew a link your blog...hope thats ok. he promised that he wouldnt be "too sexual"
-code name: Agent Cody Banks

Unknown said...

i used to hook up with a half-japanese girl. actually she was half-thai, but i'm not sure if there's a difference.
code name - agent burns